Stool Sample Collection
Why have you been asked to bring a Fecal (Stool) Sample?
Stool samples are used to test your pet for intestinal parasites which may be harmful to your pet and in some cases may be contagious to humans. By bringing an adequate, fresh sample you will allow us to run a fecal test by flotation to detect parasites and assure you of your pet's health. For more information on specific parasites in dogs and cats visit The Companion Animal Parasite Council or the VIN Search Library.
How often do you need to bring a sample for testing?
We recommend fecal testing every 2-3 weeks for puppies/kittens until they are 16-20 weeks of age. Adult pets should be tested every 6 months. These time frames correspond to times that your pet needs to come in for a wellness examination and vaccination, so typically you will just need to bring a sample for those appointments.
We also need a sample at the time of your appointment if your pet is having intestinal problems such as diarrhea or vomiting.
Obtaining a Fecal (Stool) Sample from Your Pet:
- Samples must be fresh (still soft and moist) within the last 4-6 hours
- Use a ziplock baggie turned inside out over your hand, or a disposable utensil, to collect a sample into a ziplock baggie. The sample should be approximately the size of a sugar cube or 1/2 teaspoon
- Make sure the bag is completely sealed.
- Store the sample in the fridge if it will be more than a few hours before you can bring it to the hospital.
Note: If you have multiple cats using the same litter box or outdoor dogs using the same yard, please collect a small piece from 3 different representative specimens.